Think of Your Children – by Christopher Lebherz
One of the most important aspects of drawing up a will for parents of young children is appointing a “guardian” to raise the children if both parents were to die before the children reach adult age. While the chances of this scenario taking place may seem to be quite slim, failure to prepare for the eventuality presents possible ramifications that are far too great to dismiss. If a guardian is not named, the judge would appoint a guardian without knowing whom the deceased parent(s) would have preferred. While naming a guardian in a will does not necessarily ensure that the person named to assume this responsibility will be chosen, the judge is quite likely to respect the deceased’s wishes.
Most TV shows and movies portray lawyers arguing in court. While there are lawyers who are trial attorneys, lawyers do much more than go to trial. A lawyer can help you with starting a business, tax issues, estate planning, marital issues and so much more. If you have a legal concern, please call LEBHERZ & LEBHERZ, Attorneys at Law, at (508) 548-6600 to schedule a consultation to review the details of your case. We are located at Old Bailey Court, 99 Town Hall Square. Call us.